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What is Spirit Dancing?



All of life is MOVEMENT!!! The Trees, the breeze, the birds and the bees, the undulation of the waves, the rotating planets, the atoms and molecules are all in state of dance and transformation, as are we.


Movement is the universal language. It is the gift given to us by Spirit, made possible through these amazing temples we call our bodies and since the dawn of time, our ancestors have danced as a medium for prayer, meditation, communion, worship, celebration, communication, empowerment and healing.


Throughout all cultures, dance and movement can be traced back as the original and purest form of union with the Divine. This was how our ancestors expressed their connection to Life and the Great Mystery. Even before we could speak, we danced! To dance oneself into silence, oneness and stillness, and to pierce the veils of illusion and separation, is to connect completely to the healing power of Spirit. It is from this sacred and devotional approach that SpiritDancing opens a shamanic portal to the Divine, where time and place, ego and mind dissolve into infinite grace.


In SpiritDancing, you are literally praying with your entire being. Body, mind and spirit are unified in a spirit dance of oneness. When you access that state of oneness with pure Spirit in the ecstasy of the moment, you are fully connecting to your true self, your Higher Self, and Spirit is literally dancing with you, through you, and as you. SpiritDancing beckons you to come home to yourself, to the lover and beloved within. Healing and transformation is the inevitable outcome of this dance of Divine Union.


Movement is deeply healing, catalytic, cathartic and a powerful integrative tool. Old emotional "issues in the tissues" and negative patterns that could take months and years to analyze and process through the intellect or language can be released and transformed in a few dances. The body does not lie, it only feels... if we allow it. The fastest way to quiet the mind is to move the body. Movement is medicine for the body and psyche. It heals the split between mind and heart, body and soul. Movement transforms and shapeshifts us, catalyzing our inertia into ecstasy and life force.

Movement becomes 'sacred' when there is an inner power, a living Spirit directing it. With this power, it becomes a dance that can lead us back home to ourselves...our true essence, innocence, passion and purpose for being. When we can truly surrender and "let go and let God", that's when something greater can move through us. When we open ourselves, to allow Spirit to flow through freely, it simply goes where it is needed to create balance and harmony on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels of being.


SpiritDancing reconnects us to the joy and beauty of being ecstatically, passionately alive while fully present in our bodies and in the moment of this Divine Dance called LIFE. The ecstasy of spiritual wholeness is experienced as we breathe and dance and enter into a deep and exhilarating, sacred movement journey into the temple of our own being. Fear, depression and anxiety cannot exist in a body that is dancing ecstatically.


This practice is designed to open the channels to higher creativity and to activate the flow of Spiritual Energy in the body. It takes us out of the over-active, distracted mind and it's chaotic energetic patterns and into the smooth, intuitive, flow of the movement and the moment. This is facilitated through guided sacred movement meditation drawn from ancient spiritual practices that enhance one's ability to be completely involved in the moment. It creates present-moment, heart-centered awareness and ecstatic embodiment. Sacred Movement has been an important component of many ancient traditions and spiritual paths including Sufism, Taoism, Buddhism, Shamanism, Liturgical Dance, Temple Dance, Native American Dance, Gurdjieff's Movement Work, Martial Arts, Trance Dance and all the Yogas.

Very simply, these techniques awaken Spirit in the body! Spiritdancing is one of the oldest practices, guiding us back home to the the Divine One Within.


This is Dancing from the Source!

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